Covering Afghanistan: Journalists Share Their Experiences

Heidi Kingstone, journalist, spent a year reporting from Afghanistan.

Heidi Kingstone, Afghanistan-based reporter for Canada’s National Post and The Huffington Post, discussed the challenges of presenting an accurate picture of Afghanistan. Moderator: Biographer Anne Sebba, former Reuters foreign correspondent and author of Battling for News, her book profiling women war correspondents.

Heidi Kingstone (writer for The Financial Times, The Sunday Times, The Spectator, The Independent, Vogue, The Guardian, Prospect, The Huffington Post, National Post), has reported on various topics from The Sudan, Bangladesh, DRC, Iraq, and Israel. She’s been based in Kabul for the past year and is the author of Dispatches from Kabul.

Anne Sebba, author of Battling for News: The Rise of the Woman Reporter, and most recently of Jennie Churchill: Winston’s American Mother. Anne Sebba is also the biographer of Laura Ashley and Enid Bagnold and is author of the forthcoming That Woman, a biography of Wallis Simpson, Duchess of Windsor.